What I Do

I am currently the Creative Director at Collier Simon, a small independent creative studio in Los Angeles. I work with an awesome team running business for Dropbox, Experian, Intuit, Capital One, and more. Previously I have worked for Mattel, Disney, and LORAC Cosmetics. Through my career I have honed my skills in branding, product design, typography and type design, ui/ux, web design, packaging, marketing, and advertising.

Because designing 9-5 just isn't enough for me I can be found nights and weekends working in my studio, Polychrome, which provides Design and Strategy solutions for a variety of clients in the Entertainment, Tech, Beauty and Fashion industries.

How I Got Here

I grew up on the press room floors of my grandfather’s printing company in New York. Surrounded by Typographers, Illustrators, Giant color charts, and towering Printing Presses as my jungle gym it's no mystery where my interests sparked.

I have always had a passion for story telling, making, teaching, and problem solving. I believe that it is this combination of interests which makes me a great designer. I love the iterative process of creating something from nothing, developing narrative and solving user stories in a creative and artistic manner to present a solution that is new, informative, and aesthetically pleasing.


I am frequently referred to as a modern day renaissance man. I am a certified Butcher, Barista, and Apple Computer Technician. Yes, really. I am well educated in Illustration, Printmaking, Photography, Art History, Game Design, Computer Science, and hold a Bachelors Degree in Graphic Design.